Sunday, September 24, 2017

God's 'Movie of Creation' and we are the actors

God's 'Movie of Creation' and we are the actors

In a movie, the action seems very real. If you look up at the projection booth, however you will see that the whole story is being produced by a single beam of light.

That is how it is in this great 'Movie of Creation.'

'God said, Let there be Light' Out of a great beam of cosmic light was manifested the entire universe. It is a cosmic movie theater, what you behold is two-dimensional, and it is true only to the senses of sight and sound. The cosmic movie is three-dimensional, and is true also to the senses of taste, smell, and touch.

The movie you see in the movie theater may move you to laughter and tears. How much more compelling, then, is God's movie, involving as it does the sense of depth, and not two senses only, but five!

"This Life, however, is no more real than a movie."

The Wisdom of Paramhansa Yogananda

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